COP21 Vision & Mission

COP21 creates youth employment programmes in partnership with local communites and townships.

Our youth is the backbone of our nation and COP21’s efforts are directed to the development of our youth.  Dedicated to create improved every-day life through sustainable business opportunities.

Youth Development Initiatives

  • Start scalable and sustainable business opportunities in local communities and townships
  • Sponsor business incubation programmes to help start-up companies to grow and succeed
  • Develop youth through skills transfer workshops by providing mentorship, access to investors and start-up capital

What we do

A clean environment is crucial to creating a safe, healthy and productive workplace that induces well-being and job satisfaction.  Our business solutions are designed for organisations with high demand for disinfection and sanitisation. Your surroundings are crucial for the impression your organisation leaves with customers and employees. 

Outsourcing the disinfection and sanitisation service, means that your business can focus on its core competencies.  We have the experience of helping our customers focus on their core business, by making their non-core jobs our speciality!

COP21 Industries is a flexible partner, disinfection and sanitising with experience and innovative solutions based on the latest trends in the market.  We pioneer the market, training our people to perform.  

Our service is available on a once-off or ongoing, contract basis.

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Why COP21